February 2024 Board Meeting


Summary of Minutes:

  • Francis Patton attended the call. Board allowed her to speak and she expressed concerns about being able to pay the new annual assessment in a lump sum.
  • Board member Walters, Moran and Boring confirmed that the homeowners association dues would be increased to the maximum of $250, as per the DCCR.
  • The deadline for payment was initially set as mid-February, but due to the delayed distribution of the newsletter, the board agreed to extend the deadline to April 1st without penalty.
  • A 15% late fee would be automatically applied by the Buildium system after that date.
  • The board discussed the implementation of security in the neighborhood by re-engaging a police officer to patrol the neighborhood.
  • Current funds available in the checking account ($4,978.81) and savings account ($708.12).
  • Shannon Lang and Associates (attorney) engaged on a pay as go basis. Expected budget $4,000.

Board reviewed and voted on the following fees:

  • the transfer fee for selling a house was set at $250
    • Note: The HOA transfer fee covers all costs that the HOA will incur when transferring the ownership records from the seller to the buyer. These are charges associated with preparing and distributing documents, updating names in databases, changing security codes and amenities passes, and other administrative costs. The seller will need to negotiate this fee at contract time.
  • $375 charged for a resale certificate
  • $50 fee for rush requests for either of the above

Other Items

  • Updates were discussed regarding the association website
    • The board requested that Boring’s name and photo be removed as to not give the impression that communication is from one individual as opposed to the Board.
  • There were complaints received about Shondra Boring’s letter from residents
    • Todd Boring stated that Shondra acted alone
    • Moran asked Boring for an apology and/or an explanation from Todd Boring similar to an email he sent to one member homeowner.
    • It was noted that Todds’ wife’s actions had caused some residents to not pay their HOA fees, and putting envelopes in mailboxes was also deemed a federal crime.
    • Further discussions were planned to address this issue.
  • The board mentioned the expense of hiring an attorney to handle legal matters and their desire to address individuals who want to act as attorneys within the association.
  • The Board will be ordering signs for the neighborhood and power washing pillars.
  • The Board will explore voting systems prior to the March 7th meeting.
  • Approximately 10 items were listed for voting, but testing and ensuring the security of the chosen system were deemed necessary before proceeding.